Holistic ECD

Holistic ECD


In recent times, there is no any institute that does not work on Early Childhood Development without embracing holistic approach as its prime focus, reason being the recent researches that emphasize the importance and the inclusion of holistic approach into the Early Childhood Education, particularly. A child’s holistic development is facilitated only when it targets the following areas of development.


Rupani Foundation’s core focus is on many domains leading to a child’s holistic development. One of the domains is physical development which includes child’s motor skills encompassing primarily the fine motor skills and gross motor skills. RF through its interventions engages the children into stimulating activities on physical development which aids in enhancing both; fine and gross motor skills.



Likewise, the cognitive development is one essential domain which needs nourishment and polish through various tasks for the young minds to head towards excellence and develop a strong cognitive skill. It refers to the understanding of the world around and thinking, processing and analyzing the information, learning language and many other aspects of brain and cognitive development.


Social and emotional aspects of the child’s development are generally taken into consideration together, as for the fact that emotions of a child evolves and develop within social milieu. Therefore, RF strives to provide an enabling environment for the children of 0-3 years age where they learn to interact with many other children and teachers in the school setting as well with family members and care-givers at home. This is done through many activities which have its focus on facilitating the child to learn about sharing and caring to meeting and greeting, teaching empathy and interacting with as many individuals as possible. The strong social-emotional development, the more successful an individual becomes later in life.



Early literacy is generally defined as the foundation for reading and writing. It is essential for the language and communication development to occur during the 0-3 Years period of life. Children are initially made familiar to the sounds and letter, usually known as phonics, before teaching them about reading and writing. Language development in children starts with an early age but a child usually begins communicating properly after 3 years of age, where he/she expresses him/herself using language. All these aspects are taken into account while working on the children’s language and literacy development at sessions conducted by RF for the children.


Whatever child learns during his/her early life directly or indirectly influence on their later development. As a matter of fact, the early life experiences are considered as crucial component of one’s success or failure. Keeping in view the important concept of individuality, every child has a different way of learning and potential to interpret the surrounding in their own way. Aesthetic sense makes a child to relate art as a form of communication. All these aspects are taken care of during RF’s sessions where children are engaged into many creative activities for enhancing their aesthetic sense.



Making a child excel in the aforementioned domains of development while leaving out the importance of ethical and moral developmental domain will become a hurdle in a child’s holistic development. Under this domain, a child is taught to greet, lend a helping hand, using acceptable language, taking care of self, family and society. This domain helps a child to become an ethical and responsible individual of a society in particular, and the nation in general.

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